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Additionally, PyAniList also uses and exports the following pydantic types for convenience:

AniListID module-attribute

AniListID = Annotated[int, Field(gt=0, description='AniList ID as found in the URL:{type}/{id}')]

AniListTitle module-attribute

AniListTitle = Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, description='Title of the media')]

AniListYear module-attribute

AniListYear = Annotated[int, Field(ge=1000, description='Release Year')]


Bases: NamedTuple

Simple Named Tuple for _models.Staff.years_active

end_year class-attribute instance-attribute

end_year: int | None = None

start_year class-attribute instance-attribute

start_year: int | None = None

HTTPXAsyncClientKwargs module-attribute

HTTPXAsyncClientKwargs: TypeAlias = Any

Simple TypeAlias to refer to httpx.AsyncClient() kwargs

HTTPXClientKwargs module-attribute

HTTPXClientKwargs: TypeAlias = Any

Simple TypeAlias to refer to httpx.Client() kwargs